How Much Does It Cost To Book A Dumpster in Steubenville?

What are the factors that affect dumpster prices?

We have the right sized dumpster bin for you! Bin There Dump That Steubenville has an expert staff that will recommend the best dumpster for the job, big or small.

Several factors come into play when renting a dumpster and this can ultimately affect how much you pay for one. The following describes some of the factors that will influence the price of your dumpster rental:

Size of the dumpster
Location you need the dumpster delivered to
Type of material you need to dispose of
How long you need the dumpster rental
Local taxes
Weight of the junk you are getting rid of
In Houston, dumpster rental fees can vary based on the rental company you work with. Here are some of the typical fees associated with dumpster rentals that we see. You should always ask about your final price before renting a dumpster.

base dumpster rental fee
*This is typically for your delivery & pick up
weight or tonnage per ton
*Some companies like Bin There Dump That will include some weight (allowance) in the dumpster rental base fee
Extra dumpster rental days
*Some companies like Bin There Dump That will include 3-7 days in the base fee
fuel surcharge fee
*Not all companies charge this
environmental fee
*Not all companies charge this

Bin There Dump That has an all-in pricing structure to provide clearer understanding to our customers. Included in your dumpster rental experience is the following:
Delivery and pickup of the bin
Disposal weight
Driveway protection system
Sweeping up your property after the bin is picked up
Prompt service for your delivery and pickup
24 hours for delivery and pickup, often same day
Live person answering the phone throughout the entire day, your calls will not go to voicemail
Flexibility on your rental period
If you happen to go over the maximum weight allowance for your bin, you will be charged a prorated fee.
Ready to rent a dumpster today? Fill out your dumpster rental request now!
Contractors & Roofers - call and tell us about your job for a specific quote! 281-209-0552 (Houston East) or 832-437-7084 (Houston West) 
We appreciate you considering our service and look forward to hearing from you!
We have the right sized dumpster bin for you! Our expert dumpster service staff is knowledgeable and talks to homeowners and contractors every day about dumpster bookings. We understand that bookinga dumpster might not be something you have previously done. Bin There Dump That Steubenville offers affordable dumpsters with service you can count on. Several factors come into play when booking a dumpster and this can ultimately affect how much you pay for one. The following describes some of the factors that will influence the price of your dumpster booking:
  • Dumpster size
  • Delivery location
  • Material to dispose of (clean-fill, or not)
  • How long you might need it for
  • Material weight

What Booking a Dumpster From Bin There Dump That Means To You

You should know that booking a dumpster from Bin There Dump That is very affordable considering you'll receive Steubenville's only residential-friendly dumpster service. Bin There Dump That commits to providing you a simple, reliable and enjoyable experience in your waste removal project, which means we'll always answer our phones, we'll protect your driveway and even sweep up remaining debris when we come to pick up the bin.

What Others Are Saying About Bin There Dump That Steubenville

Steubenville Dumpster Rental Review on Google

20 Cubic Yard Dumpster

20 Cubic Yard Dumpster
11' long, 8' wide, 6' high
What's included:

  • 10 day service (Additional fees apply for extra days)
  • Delivery and pick up, including Saturdays
  • 100% proven driveway protection guarantee
  • We sweep up under the dumpster when the job is done
  • Walk-in double doors
from $470.00 to $570.00
Reserve Now

15 Cubic Yard Dumpster

15 Cubic Yard Dumpster
11' long, 8' wide, 4.5' high
What's included:
  • Delivery and pick up, including Saturdays
  • 10 day service (Additional fees apply for extra days)
  • 100% proven driveway protection guarantee
  • We sweep up under the dumpster when the job is done
  • Walk-in double doors
from $445.00 to $545.00
Reserve Now

10 Cubic Yard Dumpster

10 Cubic Yard Dumpster
10' long, 7' wide, 4' high
What's included:

  • 10 day service (Additional fees apply for extra days)
  • Delivery and pick up, including Saturdays
  • 100% proven driveway protection guarantee
  • We sweep up under the dumpster when the job is done
  • Walk-in double doors
from $415.00 to $515.00
Reserve Now

6 Cubic Yard Dumpster

6 Cubic Yard Dumpster
10' long, 5.5' wide, 3' high
What's included:
  • Delivery and pick up, including Saturdays
  • 7 day service (Additional fees apply for extra days)
  • 100% proven driveway protection guarantee
  • We sweep up under the dumpster when the job is done
  • Walk-in double doors
from $395.00 to $495.00
Reserve Now

Combo: 10 Cubic Yard Dumpster + 20 Cubic Yard Dumpster

10 Cubic Yard Dumpster
What's included:
  • Delivery and pick up, including Saturdays.
  • 10 day service (Additional fees apply for extra days).
  • 100% proven driveway protection guarantee.
  • We sweep up under the dumpster when the job is done.
  • Up to 2.5 ton of disposal.
  • Walk-in double doors.

  • Range
    from $910.00 to $960.00
    Reserve Now